Leipzig Tickets

A day at Leipzig Zoo: An adventure through exotic habitats

With 850 animal species, the Leipzig Zoo has a global adventure in store for all its visitors. From sprawling Asian enclosures with Amur tigers, tropical Gondwanaland teeming with Komodo dragons, and the African savanna, where playful meerkats sta...

Also Known As

Leipzig Zoo

Founded On


Founded By

Ernst Pinkert

Quick information


Pfaffendorfer Str. 29, 04105 Leipzig, Germany


2 hours








30-60 mins (Peak), 0-30 mins (Off Peak)

Did you know?

The pathway through the Gondwanaland aviary wasn't built entirely by humans. The zoo authorities provided a special kind of mesh netting, and the ingenious Greater Ani (a type of bird) wove their nests within the structure, creating a truly natural and dynamic habitat for themselves and other bird species.

Leipzig Zoo does not just care for mammals but is also actively involved in amphibian conservation efforts. Their dedicated team has established a breeding program for the critically endangered Kihansi Spray Toad, a unique amphibian found only in Tanzania.

At Leipzig, animals are not trained to entertain visitors. The animal experts and behavioral researchers use positive reinforcement techniques to build trust with the animals, allowing for easier veterinary checkups. These training sessions also stimulate their senses and encourage them to act as they would in their original habitat.

Themed zones at Leipzig Zoo

Leipzig Zoo

The Founder's House

The Founder's House at Zoo Leipzig highlights the vision of its creator, Ernst Pinkert, who established the zoo in 1878. This section features multiple buildings, like the Explorers' House Ark (showcasing the zoo's conservation efforts), the Koala House, the Aquarium, and the Terrarium. Inside these buildings, you can marvel at Koalas, Golden Lion Tamarins, Coppery Titi Monkeys, Bearded Emperor Tamarins, and exotic birds.

Leipzig Zoo


The Africa zone is designed to replicate the vast savannas and diverse ecosystems of the African continent. You can relax on the terrace at the Kiwara Lodge and take in the panoramic view of the Savannah, spotting majestic big cats in naturalistic settings. The area is also home to Spotted Hyenas, Patas Monkeys, Grevy's Zebras, Baringo Giraffes, and Eastern Black Rhinos. Keep an eye out for the rare Okapis, a unique species of forest giraffes in this zone - they look like a mix between deer and zebra!

Leipzig Zoo


The Asia zone will greet you with the sounds of trumpeting elephants and frolicking sloth bears. This area is also home to Rhesus Macaques, endangered Przewalski Horses, and the rocky terrains of the Himalayas, which house Snow Leopards, Red Pandas, and Michie's Tufted Deer. The highlight of this zone is the Tiger Taiga exhibit, where you can spot Amur Tigers prowling through a wooded landscape. Also, don't miss the Asian Aviary complex to see some rare bird species.

Leipzig Zoo


The Gondwanaland replicates tropical rainforests of Africa, Asia, and South America, known for their dense canopies and diverse wildlife. This massive 16,500 square meter is home to nearly 170 species, including the rare Eastern Quoll from Australia, the Ocelot, and the Komodo Dragon. What's more, the area boasts 500 distinct plant varieties. You can walk through dense ferns and shrubs like you are in an actual rainforest, enjoy panoramic views from suspension bridges, or take a fun boat ride on the River Gamille.

Leipzig Zoo

South America

The landscapes of the South American zone mimic the Pantanal (the world's largest flooded grasslands), Pampas (vast grasslands), and Patagonia (a cold and dry desert). This zone features fascinating animals such as Giant Anteaters, Maned Wolves, Guanacos, Lesser Rheas, and the rare Chacoan Peccaries. The lagoon area in this zone is a lively habitat for over 120 flamingos, sharing space with Ibises, Spoonbills, and various ducks. Soon, the zone will also have an aquatic habitat for seals and penguins, with an underwater viewing tunnel.

Leipzig Zoo


Pongoland is an ape habitat, offering an up-close look at our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. Watch as Silver Back Gorillas assert their dominance, Orangutans swing effortlessly from tree to tree, and exotic tropical birds flit around the dome. This zone also houses a research center with the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, where you can watch scientists studying ape behavior, perception, and communication. For the best experience, visit Pongoland early in the morning when the apes are most active.

Meet these must-see animals at Leipzig Zoo

Leipzig Zoo

Monkey Isles

Your Leipzig Zoo adventure will begin with a warm welcome from the Monkey Isles. You'll see rare species like Golden Lion Tamarins, Coppery Titi Monkeys, and Bearded Emperor Tamarins jumping around in their green surroundings.

Leipzig Zoo

Underwater Worlds

Visit the Founder's House to explore the aquarium's saltwater pools, home to symbiotic communities from tropical seas. Don't miss the 360˚ panorama tank on the upper floor, as this is where you can see Hammerhead Sharks and Cow-nose Rays swimming through the water.

Leipzig Zoo

Sloth Bears Ravine

See the playful sloth bears in their ravine (valley-like) habitat, roaming freely amidst rocks and water ditches. You can peer through crevices and from behind waterfalls to observe their natural behaviors up close.

Leipzig Zoo

The Himalayas

Explore the rugged beauty of the Himalayas, a habitat designed for Snow Leopards, Michie's Tufted Deer, and Red Pandas. While trekking through this rocky landscape, you can see these creatures in an environment reminiscent of their mountainous homes.

Leipzig Zoo

Koala House

The Koala House in the Founder's House zone mimics the lush eucalyptus forests of Australia. Here, solitary Koalas roam within their naturalistic environment, giving you a rare glimpse into their peaceful lifestyle.

Leipzig Zoo

Australian Birds

Opposite the Koala House lies the lively aviary of bubbly Budgerigars. You can see these social Australian birds, with their bright yellow and green plumage and blue and black scalloping on their wing feathers, up close as they chirp and flutter about in their lively habitat.

Leipzig Zoo

Asian Aviary

Listen to the cheerful calls of Black-crowned Night Herons, Glossy Ibises, and Black-headed Ibises in the Asian Aviary. This complex features walk-in aviaries where you can surround yourself with the sights and sounds of these rarely-seen bird species.

Leipzig Zoo

Tiger Taiga

Enter Tiger Taiga to watch Amur Tigers prowling through a wooded landscape. Nearby, there's an information point where you can learn about these endangered cats. Moving forward, you can explore Leopard Valley, where Amur Leopards can be seen gracefully navigating rocky terrain.

Leipzig Zoo


See Black Rhinos in a landscape reminiscent of vast African savannahs and grasslands with an outcrop of rocks called 'Kopje'. There are three outdoor enclosures with mud pools and special areas for Rhinos to get into the water. In the southern enclosure, the Rhinos enjoy cohabitation with Cheetahs. The northern outdoor enclosure is open to smaller inhabitants like Apes and monkeys, allowing you to observe interactions between different animals.

Leipzig Zoo

Lion Savannah Makasi Simba

Roarrrr.. is what you might hear when you stop by the Makasi Simba. On cold days, the lions often retreat to their cave, where you can watch them through panoramic screens. Close by, it’s meerkat territory: while some are usually on guard, others are busy digging or basking in the sun. Continue walking toward the rocky area to hear the laughter of Spotted Hyenas.

Leipzig Zoo

The Volcano Tunnel

Go inside the Volcano Tunnel to see living fossils like the Australian Lungfish and Horseshoe Crabs. The darkest part of the tunnel houses nocturnal animals such as Kowari, which looks like a mouse with a distinctive dense black brush on the end of its tail,and Eastern Quoll, another bushy-tailed marsupial with white spots on fawn or black-furred body, offering a glimpse into ancient and nocturnal wildlife.

Leipzig Zoo

Ganesha Mandir

You’ll come across the majesty of Asian Elephants at Ganesha Mandir, one of Europe's most modern elephant enclosures. Depending on the weather, you can observe these gentle giants in spacious outdoor enclosures or while swimming underwater—a unique viewing experience through transparent screens.

Leipzig Zoo

Kiwara Savannah

Explore the vast Kiwara Savannah, where African wildlife roams across 25,000 square meters of lush plains. Spot Rothschild Giraffes, Grevy's Zebras, Ostriches, and more coexist in a naturalistic habitat mimicking the vast African savannah.

Leipzig Zoo

The Flamingo Lagoon

Stroll along the wooden walkway in the Flamingo Lagoon, where Flamingos, Spoonbills, Ibises, and Ducks thrive in a tropical South American setting. This expansive habitat, covered by a massive net, allows these birds to flourish safely in an almost natural environment.

Unique experiences and activities at Leipzig Zoo

Leipzig Zoo

See feeding shows

Attending a feeding show is one of the highlights of Leipzig Zoo. These shows are both educational and thrilling, as you can see majestic tigers pouncing for their meals or playful penguins diving for fish. 
Note: Feeding shows are scheduled throughout the day, so be sure to check the timetable upon arrival to catch them.

Leipzig Zoo

Stroke and groom the animals

In Leipzig Zoo, interaction goes beyond observation. Visit the petting kraal at Kiwara village to cuddle with Damara Goats and Pot-bellied Pigs. At Hacienda Las Casas, you can go near Guinea Pigs and admire Rabbits and Pygmy Goats at El Ranchito. It's a fun way to connect with animals in a safe and supervised environment.

Leipzig Zoo

Dine at onsite restaurants

After a day of exploration, you can refuel at Leipzig Zoo's various restaurants. Indulge in African specialties on the buffet at Kiwara Lodge or savor Far Eastern cuisine at Patakan in beautiful settings that complement your zoo adventure. The food served at these dining spots (from gourmet pizzas and salads to regional dishes and homemade desserts) matches the diversity of the wildlife at the zoo.

Leipzig Zoo

Relax with kids in the vast playgrounds

Leipzig Zoo has multiple playgrounds for some family fun. Kids can play, climb, and slide to their heart's content, surrounded by greenery and cheerful sounds of wildlife. Meanwhile, adults can unwind on nearby benches, soaking in the peaceful ambiance.

Leipzig Zoo

Take a boat trip in Gondwanaland

Take a fun boat trip through Gondwanaland, Leipzig Zoo's tropical paradise. You’ll navigate mystical caves and learn about Earth's history with an immersive audio-visual experience. Back in the tropical dome, you can encounter diverse flora and fauna along the jungle river banks.

Leipzig Zoo

See luscious flora

In Gondwanaland, you will discover a thriving rainforest. Wander among over 24,000 plants from around the world, nurtured to create a tropical paradise from jungle floor to canopy.  You can also explore the garden of tropical crops, where you’ll come across a variety of exotic fruit trees like smell pineapples, yams, guavas, and more.

Leipzig Zoo

Visit the Ark Discovery House

The Ark Discovery House is a multimedia center focused on species conservation where you can learn all about wildlife conservation. Through engaging exhibits and interactive displays, you will learn about global sustainability efforts and the importance of biodiversity conservation.

Leipzig Zoo's commitment to conservation

  • Leipzig Zoo is committed to species conservation, participating in over 80 breeding programs. Their efforts have significantly contributed to reintroducing species like the Eagle Owl, Little Owl, Przewalski's Horse, and Oryx Dammah back into their natural habitats.
  • The zoo is also involved in international breeding programs for Tigers, Anoas, and Maned Wolves, as well as European programs for African Dwarf Crocodiles, White-naped Cranes, and Sloth Bears.
  • These initiatives highlight the zoo's dedication to preserving wildlife and educating the public about the importance of conservation efforts.

Frequently asked questions about Leipzig Zoo

What are the feeding show timings at the zoo?

Feeding show timings at Leipzig Zoo vary by animal and season. You can check the daily schedule posted at the zoo entrance for up-to-date information.

Is Leipzig Zoo suitable for children?

Absolutely! Leipzig Zoo is a family-friendly destination with plenty of activities for kids. From interactive exhibits to playgrounds and petting zoos, there's something to keep children of all ages entertained.

Are there any special events at Leipzig Zoo?

Yes, the zoo hosts a range of events throughout the year, including bird displays, themed days, and educational workshops.

What dining options are available at Leipzig Zoo?

Leipzig Zoo offers a variety of dining options, including full-service restaurants, cafes, and snack bars. Whether you're looking for a hearty meal or a quick snack, you'll find plenty of choices to suit your taste.

Is Leipzig Zoo wheelchair friendly?

Yes, Leipzig Zoo is wheelchair accessible, with paved paths and ramps throughout the park. Wheelchairs are also available for rent at the entrance.